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Carver County Parks
Course Category

Featured Courses

  • Youth Geocaching for S'mores age 7-13

    We’re looking for aspiring treasure hunters to join us on a quest for treasure—s’mores! After a brief training on the history and use of GPS navigation, participants use GPS units to seek out secret caches hidden throughout Lake Waconia Regional Park. Each cache contains s’more ingredients—marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate—which are enjoyed by the fire after the adventure is over. All equipment provided. This program is offered in partnership with Carver County Parks.
  • Indoor Youth Archery Series Age 8 - 14

    Just because there’s snow doesn’t mean you can’t shoot a bow! Indoor archery is a fun way for kids to be active during our cold Minnesota winters. Participants use compound bows to grow their archery skills through fun games and experiential learning. Students learn the basics of range safety and proper stance, aim, and release techniques from our trained instructors. All equipment provided. This program is offered in partnership with Carver County Parks.